Tuesday, April 19, 2005

My racing days are over

I received a speeding violation last week. I was going along the usual route to work, which includes a stretch of 20 mph school zone. Had the mp3 player plugged into my ears. Forgot to turn the radar detector on. I am usually very good about staying under the limit, especially since the sneaky cops often hide at the end of the school zone and wait for speeders. But this morning I had several things running through my mind. I was busted for going 31 in a 20. Probably a hefty fine. Maybe they'll let me take defensive driving.

I have calmed down quite a bit since yesterday. I don't think killing all of the pigeons will be necessary (or possible). Perhaps I'll just wound one and shit on him. Then release him back into the parking lot to warn the others. Eye for an eye, poop for a poop.

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