Tuesday, April 05, 2005

It's growing on me

I've decided to temporarily do away with the clean-shaven nice guy image. I am growing a goatee. Well, actually it's just some chin hair. I can't grow anything worth keeping around the corners of my mouth. It ends up being asymmetrical, with 4 hairs on the left and 20 on the right. Just wanted to let you guys know. So now you can imagine the picture up top as having some fuzz on the chin.
Also, my dad gave me an old guitar and his mountain bike. He has about 10 guitars and can't ride the bike anymore because of his back. Hopefully, by the end of this week I will have a couch as well.

Oh shit, almost forgot. I saw the ass-wiping frog on TV last night. The commercial had him in the background doing you-know-what. And the world did not come to an end.... yet.

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