Wednesday, April 06, 2005

A man's home is his castle. A seaman's home is the sea. A whore's ass and a whiskey glass is home enough for me.

Damn, what got into me? I know, it was a combination of excessive amounts of alcohol and not being able to sleep because of the time change.
Never challenge a bartender to a drinking contest on a weekday. No matter how hot she is. Save those bold exaggerations of your kick-assedness for weekends and holidays. It was a tie. Neither of us puked and the bar closed.
Not too bad of a hangover this morning, since I had nearly a gallon of water before passing out at 3. The pinky finger is throbbing like a sonofabitch, though.
My apologies for the random comments. This is why I don't (shouldn't) drink (much) during the week. Forgive me. You've all been there before.
At least no one answered my drunk dials.

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