Thursday, March 03, 2005

Neighborhood watch

Shaky Dennis is gone. He moved out last Sunday. It seems that the proper amount of funds were not making it to the leasing office. In fact, his mom paid rent the first month and he never paid after that. He spent it all on booze. Sad, because the guy was always drinking Red Dog. Nasty.
As a friend was loading his stuff into a truck, I asked about my 5 dollars. He said he'd return with it next week. Yeah, and monkeys fly out my butt.
Apparently, my neighbor Jose is getting jealous and worries that I'm going after his old lady. He couldn't be farther from the truth. While I have been going over there to watch cable (since I only have rabbit ears), I'm definitely not hitting on Candace. Haven't really gotten to know him because he works late and I work early, but he's off today. Think I'll go over and have a few beers with him to smooth things over.

1 comment:

Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

A. He's insecure.

B. She namedropping you to make him jealous.

C. She said your name by mistake in a delicate sitation.

Bring brass knuckles. To be safe.