Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Welcome to Shitty Wok. Would you like to try our Shitty Shrimp?

Seriously, this is the rundown of a conversation I had with HNG the other day. I wasn't going to post about it but recent behavior on her part has warranted the validation of her idiocy.

Me: So, how long were you and your Baby'sDaddy together?
HNG: Not long. It's kind of weird but she wasn't really an "accident".
Me: .... (eyebrow cocked to one side. head turned on shoulder) Whaaaa?
HNG: Well, I've always wanted an Asian baby and BabyDaddy is Vietnamese...
Me: (thinking - how far is it to that door?) Hmmmmmmm.
HNG: I just wanted to have a kid before I get too old, ya know? that and I'm really fertile.
Me: (standing up and stretching, inching towards the door) I think I hear the dog barking. Better go. Later.

Crazy and whore-ish as the HNG may be, she's still pretty damn hot. I need to get out more. I guess the only reason I even considered hooking up with her is because it would be so convenient.
What do you guys think?

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