Wednesday, August 03, 2005

If You're Gonna Be Dumb You Gotta Be Tough

To start out on a very serious note, one of my fraternity brothers was in a bad car wreck this weekend. He was put in a coma to help the healing process and all signs indicate he'll pull through, but things are going to be very tough for him and his new family. He got married last year and just recently had a son.
Please say a prayer for Alan Ford and his family.

In other news, we won our first game Monday night but really didn't play as well as we should. It was a close game. We start the Wednesday night league tonight.

Last night LukeDuke got up at Fox & Hound and played the guitar. He just walked up and asked the house band if they minded him playing a few songs during their break. They agreed.
It was his first public performance in front of complete strangers. He was awesome.
First he played Margaritaville. And that got a great response from the crowd. Who doesn't like to sing along to Margaritaville?
Then he played Changes (I think that's the name) by Lynyrd Skynyrd. It's a great song, but kind of slow and preachy. Didn't get the same response, but still sounded really good.
I was that guy in the back whoopin' and hollerin'.
"You're my boy, LukeDuke!!!"

Also, the HNG is scandalous and shady. I don't think I want to hook up with her.

and one last thing... the Belldoorlover already knows this, but guys in pink shirts make me laugh. I will make fun of you. To your face if I must.

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