Monday, August 08, 2005

Insert appropriate title

So I didn't make the 5 hour drive home this weekend. I felt like shit Friday after lunch (see previous post) and decided it would probably be a bad idea to get behind the wheel with a head full of misery and very little sleep. It was also raining.
Plus I needed to come into work Saturday morning and get a few things done that I'd neglected.
So that's what I did. Slept about 12 hours Friday night and worked (a little) Saturday. I also got a lot of the new Palahniuk book read. It's good. Not great, but still good.

Saw this truck in my parking lot. It is all I ever wanted. I will have one. Toyota Tacoma X-Runner. So clean.

I also cleared a few things up with the HNG (hot neighbor girl). There will be no relationship there. After picking her brain for a few hours I realized that she's scandalous, shady, fickle, and slutty. She also doesn't have a single girl friend. Not one. Odd. why not? I thought girls stick together and stuff. Because she's scandalous and backstabbing? probably.
And she's got a 2-year-old daughter. But that's not really a problem. I like kids.
Anyway, I'm over it. No really it doesn't bother me at all.

So yesterday I went to the pool with Jose, Candace, and their friend Dumbass. We set up the volleyball net, got some floats in the pool, ran an extension cord out, set up the TV (big NASCAR race), and fired up the grill.

About 4 High Lifes and 2 games of dominoes into the party the bottom fell out of the sky and drenched us. We salvaged the TV and made our way to the covered walkway.
We spent the rest of the afternoon cooking on the porch and drinking beer. I turned in about 6 and passed out on the couch.
Got a call from an old friend around 8 and stayed up late playing Literati.
Now I'm back at work again.

Sorry I haven't been posting much, but I think I'll do more this week as I have much on my mind and I'd like some feedback about it. 'Til then.

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