Wednesday, July 13, 2005

E-mail Babysitting

Apparently it's become my job to keep an old friend entertained while she wastes the day away at her cubicle. If she were open-minded in the least, I'd introduce her to the blog. But you'll soon see she's as stubborn as an old mule.

Brooke: Freaking talk to me. I'm about to fall asleep.
Darrel: Did you know that Andy Milonakis is 30? What the fuck?!
B: Who the hel is that?
D: Let me introduce you to my friend, Latigo Flint. Go here and here . That'll keep you busy for a minute. I've got some samples to take.
B: Darrel I hate blogs. I don't understand how you can like them so much. But then again you always were a little off:-)
D: I forgot. You're not much on the whole reading thing, huh? It's okay. But you gotta admit, that trampoline story is fucking hilarious
B: I didn't read it:-) are you still thinking of moving down here?
D: I like how you just pass judgement on something without even botheringto look at it :).
B: I didn't actually pass judgement on your little friend himself, I just don't like blogs period. Ever since you sent me to the wrong spot along time ago. And I read all stuff about some girl being a whore.
D: why do you hate blogs? how many have you ever read?
B: Sorry if I'm being snappy. Ever since Monday when I decided I would quit smoking, I've been pretty quick with the mean one liners. Actually that how I use to be in high school. I think. I don't mean them, I just can't keep my mouth shut. Everyone up here is going to hate me.
D: Trust me. Read this and you will laugh.
B: Nope. Stop trying to bring me over to the dark side. I want to join myspace and put pictures of someone else on there. That would be fun. I could say whatever I want and no one would know
D: ee-haw!! ee-haw!!
that would be you. how stubborn you are.
B: Slater. I'm out

Some people are just beyond help.

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