Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Boob tube

I'm drawn to the Wednesday night Fox lineup like a moth to a porch light. I have no control over it.
They get me all worked up with That 70's Show (which I have always loved and is probably ending, damnit).
Then it's time for the American Idol results show. I usually cook dinner and listen from the kitchen. The only good part is the end when they kick off the losers (Constantine is a faggot-ass poser).
So it's downt to Carrie and Bo. If you didn't see this coming, you probably wear a crash helmet on a daily basis and are easily distracted by shiny objects.
But the worst is Pam's new show, Stacked.
It's not even very good. But, damn it's hard to turn away. Pam has the prettiest titties I've ever laid eyes upon. Even if she is diseased and stupid.
I can't turn away.... like a deer in headlights.
Big, silicone headlights.

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