Friday, February 11, 2005


I would like to post some pics on this blog, but the task seems too complicated for my peasized brain. Any help in this area would be greatly appreciated.

On another note:
Damn the copy machine. Damn it to the pits of office equipment hell. Nothing gets accomplished around here when that paper whore is on the rag. In order to accomplish my objectives for the day and week I need to make about 1000 copies today. But noooooo, the antique Xerox model 00001 decides today is the day to up and die. And forget trying to use the fax machine. That's like watching old people fornicate.

1 comment:

Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

I used that thing for pictures. They're partered bith blogger. I still have to use the help page there each time I do it.

Since each picture goes as an entry, I check the properties to get the picture url and then jam them together in one post and delete the posts generated by hello.