Tuesday, December 27, 2005


The things I received for Christmas:
thermal underwear, socks, boxers, boxer briefs, and pajama pants (I actually asked for them this time)
600 count sheets (really comfortable)
Lyle Lovett - Live In TEXAS (awesome)
Tombstone (a favorite that I did not own)
Forrest Gump (same as above)
Norelco beard trimmer (needed it for the Chuck Norris manbeard I'm working on)
camouflage Dallas Cowboys hat (words don't do it justice)
one of those big luggage bags for hanging clothes (hope I need it)
Wolverine work boots (definitely needed them)
Nike softball cleats (another necessary piece of equipment)
Nike batting gloves (really nice)
fishing lures (hope I get to use them)
coffee cup warmer (I'll probably never use it)
a bag of bathroom stuff - razors, shaving gel, etc. (always good to have)
a bunch of gift cards (Academy, Wal-Mart, Old Navy, etc.)
and the best one... a new girlfriend
She's black and it looks like she's been around the block a few times, but I love her.
She's a Dell Inspiron 1200. My aunt found her at the pawn shop.
It was a good Christmas. More to come...

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