Friday, December 09, 2005

The Case of the Missing Cock Pump

Every year around this time a group of my friends from college, fraternity brothers, and other associates gets together for a big Christmas party. We always have it at FIS's house. There's always lots of booze and [internet edit]. Everyone brings a gift and puts it under the tree. Later in the evening we draw numbers and do the whole White Elephant thing.
Some of the gifts from this year were:
a statue of a little boy that pisses out liquor. My gift. It's classy.
Poker chips. (What I ended up with)
An ATARI! ( I really wanted that one)
A T-Shirt that read "I went to the X-Mas Party and all I got was this lousy T-shirt"
A bottle of Jagermeister
A flashlight

But the craziest gift of all was the one that WhiteBoy brought. We'd been talking about it for weeks. He brought..... A COCKPUMP.
Y'know... a Swedish penis enlarger. A glass schlong extender.
It was going to be the most sought after gift at the party. Everyone could use one, right? Male or female.

However, the cockpump didn't make it to the White Elephant exchange. Someone stole it from under the tree when no one was looking.
I don't know who stole it, but it wasn't me. Honestly.
That sort of thing ain't my bag, baby!

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