Monday, January 17, 2005

other brother dwayne

This is honestly what my neighbor Tom says to me Friday evening as I'm getting home from work:

Tom: Hey Dwayne, you got change for a 5?
Me: No, Bob I don't
Tom: I'm Tom.
Me: Okay. (walking upstairs) Asshole.

Anyway, I had a great weekend at the deer camp. Killed a lot of beers and a wild turkey. No animals were harmed by my hand, but it was fun anyway.
Saturday night was very interesting. I danced around the campfire with a pretty little thing and watched some older gentlemen wrestle around on the ground. All the roughhousing was stopped short when Gary found his way into the fire. Thank God for Nomex overalls. Otherwise we might have made a drunken trip to the nearest hospital. All in all, it was a great weekend. Exactly what I needed.


The Smoking Redhead said...

Sounds like you had fun, right on!

Other Brother said...

The neighbor is a bit amusing... and no I don't think he qualifies as hot, but that's something you ladies would know more about than me.