Friday, August 25, 2006

Higher Ground

I'm still here. In Terre Haute. Latin for "Don't get your hopes up".
I wake up, go to work, work my ass off, eat lunch, work more, call Miller, go home, eat, and sleep. Thrilling, huh?
I've been moved into Dwight's house since July now but can count the number of nights I've stayed there on one hand. Mak apparently likes it there, though.
It's a good place for him (to poop on). and pee on apparently.
We've been working 12 - 14 hours shifts since Monday and it looks like that won't stop for another month or so.
However, I am getting paid. P A I D.
Then my lawyer will get paid...

Don't drink and drive, kids. It's dumb. and expensive. even if you're not drunk. Don't drive. ever. and for sure never, NEVER take the breathalyzer. Learned that one the hard way a few years back.
I am actually considering buying a scooter. How fucking pathetic is that?

Okay, enough depressing bullshit.